Download TryAgain v3.2.0 Add-on for Firefox 3.0
Occasionally, you may encounter problem of not able to access certain websites in Firefox. It could be due to the temporary web server problem or internet connection issue that may able to recover in short period. Instead of pressing the F5 button to refresh the webpage manually, now this tiny add-on program will able to help you in such a circumstance. Named as TryAgain version 3.2.0, it will keep trying to connect to the web server at a predefined intervals and trials automatically without the need of any user intervention.
Once download and install the add-on, user will be prompted to re-open the Firefox web browser in order for it to be effective. User can double confirm if the feature has been added in by browsing to the Tools menu and you will find the ‘Enable TryAgain’ appeared in the list. Just click on it to switch the feature on or off. Besides, the setting is configurable based on own preference. To configure the timeout in second and number of retry, just go to Tools menu and click on ‘Options’, you will find the Manage Add-ons button under Options window, click on it and the Add-ons window will be displayed automatically. Again click on ‘Options’ button and you can configure the timeout and maximum tries depending on the situation.
If you think this helps you, just go to TryAgain 3.2.0 to download this add-on for free. It only consumes around 38kB to have this great feature added in your Firefox web browser.
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