Instant effects
For Presenters
* Fast turnaround between editing PowerPoint content and making selections in Presenter. Changes can be made right before a presentation “goes live”.
* Preview your presentation in real time 3D while editing PowerPoint content.
* Respects PowerPoint placement and font information.
* Change FXTheme dynamic background colors without leaving PowerPoint.
* Supports most PowerPoint animations and transitions. Click here for more details (PDF file).
For Corporate Distribution
* Export your presentation to AVI video for linear playback on any system.
* Export your presentation to an FXD file for interactive playback on systems running our free FXD Interactive Media Player.
* Automatically place images of dynamic backgrounds on PowerPoint slides for handouts or for use when distributing a presentation that must run in PowerPoint without Presenter or FXShow installed.
For Creative Services
* Supports an unlimited range of dynamic backgrounds and transitions. A large selection of professionally authored looks comes with the system, and our authoring toolkit allows 3D artists to create whatever look is desired.
* Supports standard (4:3) and wide (16:9) screen formats, and additional aspect ratios can be supported with custom FXThemes. Maximum pixel resolution and playback speed is determined solely by the underlying system throughput.
* Supports two 3D geometric objects (logos, product representations) and one 3D video object (for embedded video playback) per slide.
* Add custom branding by applying 2D images to our transitions and insert objects built just for this purpose, or create your own 3D logos and product representations using our authoring toolkit.
Technical Features
* Utilizes hardware acceleration for 3D rendering and compositing.
* Supports 32-bit color and alpha-blended images and texture.
* Up to 4 background layers, a content layer, and up to 4 foreground layers are rendered and composed in real time.
* Hardware anti-aliasing and filtering are supported for crisp, clean results.
* Geometric and animation complexity limited solely by the throughput of the underlying hardware
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